[1]: You scrape the butter on. Then you scrape the butter off. Then you eat the bread.

[2]: It's hard to translate 'sir' into Rat The rat word for'sir' isn't a word; it's a sort of momentary crouch, indicating that, just at the moment, the crouching rat is prepared to accept that the other rat is the boss, but that he or she shouldn't get funny about it.

[3]: Rat measurement. About an inch.

[4]: The rats had found one in the town of Quirm, which is where they'd got the Mr Clickies. They were on a shelf labelled 'Kitty Toys', along with a box of squeaky rubber rats called, with great imagination, Mr Squeaky. The rats had tried to set off traps by poking them with a rubber rat on the end of a stick, but the squeak when the trap shut upset everyone. No-one cared about what happened to a Mr Clicky.